circad | circRNAs associated with diseases
 Genome Locuschr7:37250990-37382367:-Buildhg19
 DiseasePapillary Thyroid CarcinomaICD-10 Thyroid and other endocrine glands (D09.3)
 DBLinkLink to databasePMID28288173
 Experimental Method
 Sample TypeThyroid TissuesComparison18 thyroid samples-consisting of six Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (PTC) tumors, six matching contralateral normal samples, and six benign thyroid lesions
 Method for EstimationQuantitative PCR and MicroarraysPCR Details
Suggested PrimersStatisticsFold Change : Downregulated,2.9300511
pvalue : p=0.020010733
Peng, N, Shi, L, Zhang, Q, Hu, Y, Wang, N, Ye, H (2017). Microarray profiling of circular RNAs in human papillary thyroid carcinoma. PLoS ONE, 12, 3:e0170287.